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Anisus vorticulus

Abrehart Ecology Specialist Mollusc Surveys

At Abrehart Ecology we provide expert, specialist knowledge on rarely studied, and often overlooked species that are associated with specialist habitats.

Roman Snail

Roman snails (Helix pomatia)

Roman snails are protected under schedule 5 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. Abrehart Ecology are one of very few ecology consultancies which specialises in surveying for this species. We have worked with a wide range of clients and have trialled translocation of individuals to new areas to establish new populations.


Surveys for Roman snails can be carried out year-round; however, surveys in summer months (when the snails are not hibernating) are most effective. In winter months, surveys are based around finding shells of dead animals or finding hibernating animals.

Desmoulin’s whorl snail (Vertigo moulinsiana)

Desmoulin’s whorl snail is a UK Biodiversity Action Species (BAP) which is listed under Annex II of the European Union Habitats and Species Directive and under the British Red Data Book (RDB3 species).


Its population has suffered catastrophic losses throughout the UK as the marsh habitats it prefers are drained or over-abstracted.


We at Abrehart specialise in identifying populations of this snail and have worked with clients to monitor and advise on mitigation measures to protect this species. We have worked extensively throughout Norfolk, where a large proportion of the UK’s population exists.


Surveys can be carried out year-round. 

Vertigo moulinsiana
Vertigo angustior

Narrow-mouthed whorl snail (Vertigo angustior)

The narrow-mouthed whorl snail is a threatened species across Europe and is only found in nine sites across the UK.


We at Abrehart specialise in identifying populations of this snail and have worked with clients to monitor and advise on mitigation measures to protect this species. We are one of the leading consultancies in surveying for this species.


Surveys can be carried out year-round. 

Little whirlpool ramshorn snails (Anisus vorticulus)

The little whirlpool ramshorn snail is the only non-marine gastropod that is a European protected species and is a Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) species and listed under Annex II of the European Union Habitats and Species Directive.


Anisus vorticulus has been declining since the 1960s which may be due to over-abstraction, habitat degradation and pollution.


At Abrehart Ecology we are one of a few consultancies in the UK which offer specialist surveys for this species. We have vast experience working with this species and have worked with a variety of organisations and clients. We are currently trialling pioneering translocation studies for Anisus vorticulus and are the lead surveyors for this species as part of the RSPB’s Back from the Brink project at Pulborough Brooks. 


Surveys can be carried out year-round. 



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Abrehart Ecology Ltd, 
The Barn, Bridge Farm, 
Friday Street, Brandeston, 
Woodbridge, IP13 7BP

Tel: 01728 684 362
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